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The Gold Mailbox Award

Presented by

Amid today’s complexity, one medium has seamlessly connected with consumers for centuries—mail.

Direct mail continues to offer marketers a rare balance between high-tech strategies and personal, high-touch engagement.

USPS will present the Gold Mailbox Award to one campaign that harnessed the power of direct mail to make a lasting impact. This prestigious award will recognize a campaign that not only meet the high standards of a REGGIE award but also optimized the use of direct mail in an innovative and compelling way.

Whether as a centerpiece or part of an integrated approach, one exceptional campaign will be awarded the Gold Mailbox.

 The Gold Mailbox Award winner will be invited to accept their award on stage at the
2025 REGGIE Awards Gala.


Gold Mailbox Award Submission Details

  • Work that ran in 2024 in any market around the globe is eligible.
  • The submitted campaign/effort must prominently feature direct mail, either as the main channel or in a key supporting role, with the case study focusing on the impact of the direct mail component.
  • All ANA members as well as non-members are eligible to enter - including but not limited to client side marketers, any type of marketing, advertising and promotion agencies, retailers, media companies and service providers, etc.
  • Entrants are welcome to submit more than one campaign/effort for consideration.

There is no fee to enter work into the Gold Mailbox Award - it is a complimentary submission.